Welcome to Kendra’s Corner!



Hi all! I am a stay at home mom currently with one baby girl and I have the most amazing man in the world. We are renovating our 1950’s little brick wanna-be farmhouse and it’s been quite the adventure! We like to do everything ourselves and we’ve learned a lot in the last year alone. I didn’t realize how much I would love being a mom, but I really do. It has forced me to really focus on family and having a healthy lifestyle. I use holistic practices to pretty much everything. I love learning and building things in my garage. I think having a sense of humor makes life so much easier and I believe Pinterest is the greatest thing ever invented. We have two dogs, two cats, two goats, and a bunch of chickens and ducks as well! We are trying to create a little homestead. I am learning how to do this blog thing best I can with posts and tutorials. Thanks so much for visiting my little corner!

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