Smudging Ceremony

We have some dear friends who have a Native American heritage. They recently had their baby boy blessed and they told us they were going to be giving him an “Indian name” and a blessing. I thought that was so cool! I asked if there was a way that Amelia could get a name and they said that we all could! I was so excited! What a fun tradition. Our friend’s father is or was an actual Indian Chief for several years. It’s a tradition that he has done for his family and it will be passed down to future generations as well.

What does it mean to be given a name?

The “smudging” ceremony is custom of Native American culture. It is a way to create a cleansing smoke bath that is used to purify the body, aura, energy, ceremonial/ritual space or any other space and personal articles. For us, we were surrounded by the burning sage and then given a name and a blessing of sorts. I was excited to find out the names, of course, but it was a lot more emotional than I was expecting. I might have shed some tears when it was Amelia’s turn. The chief had us spread out our arms and then he went around our arms, feet and back with the sage and a large feather. Our friend actually chose our names because he knew us and he had prayed about what names we should have.


Our names defined (as they were given)

Jason received his name first and was given: Wise Owl.

The reason our friend chose Wise Owl is because Jason is the one who watches over our family. He is the one who is going to see things before they happen. The way he goes about his decisions and life he makes sure to plan it out. He doesn’t jump to conclusions like a cat – Jason thinks things out without acting on them impulsively. He is patient. He really thinks before acting. Through the thinking process, and with his family, it is done the way Jason sees it. All things are done with patience.

I was next and received the name: Mother of Rivers.

“Rivers are steady and go one direction. They don’t change – they may branch off, but they don’t change. They are solid in what they do. You are a mother and each of your children that you have are going to branch off one day. They will go in the direction that you point them for their whole lives. It is really important that you teach them the right way. I was inspired to give you this name because rivers are really strong – they can take trees with them or anything down to get where they need to go. They will do what needs to be done.”

Amelia received the name: Little Sky.

“I knew her name was Little Sky because she’s literally a piece of Heaven for you. She’s going to be there when the clouds come and she”ll be there when they leave. The sky is what holds up the sun and the moon. It’s what holds everything together. That is what she will be for you.”

I’m so grateful and feel so blessed to have been given this unique opportunity. What a great tradition that that family let us become a part of. It’s a memory that we will cherish.




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