Easy & Tasty Pancake Syrup

Have you ever read the ingredient label on traditional Syrup from the grocery store? HOLY SUGAR! Anytime you see high fructose corn syrup it is not something you want to ingest a whole lot of. While pure maple syrup is the best form of syrup, it’s not always practical because it is expensive. This syrup recipe I’ll share with you only takes 3 minutes and only a few ingredients. NO HIGH FRUCTOSE SYRUP, NO CELLULOSE, NO PRESERVATIVES, NO OTHER JUNK. Save yourself some money and make this easy and tasty syrup!


  1. Whisk together 1 Cup Water, 1 Cup white sugar, 1/2 Cup brown sugar and 2 Tbsp Butter in a sauce pan.
  2. Bring to boil and cook 3 – 4 minutes, stirring frequently. DO NOT OVERCOOK
  3. Remove from heat and add in 1 Tbsp. vanilla or maple flavoring / extract.



Syrup will thicken as it cools.

Store in sealed jar in refrigerator.

Throw syrup in microwave if the butter hardens.


Thank you for visiting!!!
