Our Dryer is Alive!

Okay guys. Let’s talk the laundry room. This has been a frustrating topic for both Jason and I since we moved into our house over a year ago. If any of you have been following about how wacky our house is, this should come as no surprise. When we moved in, we expected there to be a working washer and dryer because the sellers said there was! We inherited 4 washers and 3 dryers when we got this house. 2 were inside the house and the rest of those appliances were in the backyard in various areas. We quickly took the excess washers and dryers to a local recycling company and were done with them. Then we found out the wiring was all wrong. The pipes were out of date and there was no power going to the washer. One day we were leaving for a trip and heard something coming from the laundry room. We open the door and there’s a waterfall coming from the wall! Turns out a pipe burst so we had to fix that before we could leave. Hubby ran some new wires from the ceiling. An electrician friend of ours came out and set up a new breaker box for us. A few more touch ups and a whole year and a half later, we have a working washer and dryer!!

Laundry is the worst chore in the whole world. Or at least I used to think so. Maybe God gave me this trial so that I would be more appreciative when it came to washing clothes. Because I am so excited about it now! I did my first load of laundry today and loved that I could do it.

My plan now is to make that room as cute as I can possibly make it. Maybe it will make it even easier to do laundry if I have a room that is nice to be in. I’ve been obsessing over all the pretty laundry rooms on Pinterest. I know that mine won’t be as nice as those, but maybe I can create a place that I’m happy with. Overall I’m just so grateful for the gift of washing machines and dryers! What a great thing that gets overlooked a lot.

I’ve been trying to find the perfect color to brighten the room up a bit. Something that is pretty, not too crazy and won’t negatively effect the resale. I plan on making a countertop and shelves for the hampers. Maybe a little locker area, too. I’m trying to choose between these three.

Sherwin Williams — Silvermist

AA632C8E-781D-4524-BBEC-C5972D4083B0Sherwin Williams —Hazel


Sherwin Williams — Rainwashed 


So which color is your favorite?? We will be putting in some oak cabinets and I’m thinking of painting and stenciling the floor as well. Thanks for following along in our journey! I’m so excited to show you guys the final reveal!

Before pic of our messy room


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